Registration Notice Regarding Results
The results of all the main examinations of the year 2019 are invited for the registration of firms for service to Carola from the web site, mobile and IVRS, till 23 March 2019. The work area of seven firms of application, related work experience and presently this A detailed description of the services being provided should be attached. The above work will be done from the selected firms which are actually self-service providers or have collaborated to use the network of other firms to give themselves.
Registration Notice Regarding Results of Examinations for the Year 2019
For this, the application with proof of the above details to the firms, in the form of an affidavit attached on a non-judicial stamp paper of 100 and a demand for registration fee of 100,000 rupees in the name of Secretary Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Ajmer, or cash amount dated 23 March 2019, 3. Must submit to the board office by 00 AM to give the results of secondary, admission, senior secondary, senior secondary and class 4.
On the envelope of the application, the application for registration in respect of the result of the examination for the year 2019 will be marked.
Registration Notice Regarding Results Important Points
1. The firm of the said facility is Internet / M. For MS, / IVRS, etc., services will be provided on the following website /telephone / mobile, etc.
2. For this result, the board’s secret code information board’s trouble officers will be able to take it to the firm only 10 minutes before the test results are conducted by computer. The firm will keep the said information completely confidential before the examination results are declared.
3. This board is currently taking this facility for examination only till 2019. However, it can be given an extension by mutual decision at the board level.
4. All of the above services will be provided free of cost to the board by the firm. The board only provides the data and apart from this, there will not be any financial fillings on the board.
5 The promotion of various facilities offered by the firm to the board will be done by the spreading firm at its own level.
6. If any technical or other defects occur in the various facilities provided by the firm to the board, then the said technical fault will be corrected by the firm within 24 hours. If the facilities could not be operated by the firm at the above time, the board would be able and independent to make other arrangements for the said facilities at the level of the firm at the risk and cost of the firm.
7. This board firm will be provided with the CD of the test result, which will have to be received by the authorized representative of Freem at the board office. For the above, the firm will have to ensure that the authorized representative brings the proof with it.
8. Here it will be ensured that the examination results are available on the date and time indicated by the board and the response time to know the results should be working and the necessary disclaimer should also be displayed by the firm.
9. That the firm will not display any kind of obscene and unethical advertisement on the website, malicious, mobile, etc. Only decent and educational advertisements will be displayed. Approval will have to be obtained by issuing advertisements from the Technical Officer Computer A C P of the Board.
10. The firm will ensure that a firewall and security system etc. is installed on their server so that in any way unauthorized persons or viruses cannot access the server with the test result. Check more click the link – Registration Notice Regarding Results
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