J.D.Senior Secondary School is one of the most popular schools in Alwar. the name of the principal of the school is Shyalu Ram Mahar. J.D.Senior Secondary School is located in Ward No. 11, Rajgarh, Alwar - 301408, Near Post St . Joseph convent school Office, Rajgarh. J.D.Senior Secondary School is hindi and english medium school.
J.D.Senior Secondary School was established in 1981 The future of those who study in this is very good. Along with studying in school, it also motivates students for sports. This school also makes the student aware of nature. In this school, students are also taught to live in the discipline. This school has qualified and efficient professors who will provide quality education to your child. J.D.Senior Secondary School students are taught about sports methodology, practical knowledge, and writing skills.
If you are looking for a good school that can educate your child to be a responsible citizen, then look no further than J.D.Senior Secondary School in Rajgarh, Alwar. This school is taught by professional teachers
Yoga and exercise are also included in the daily activities of this school. He also takes the students on picnics. Nation festivals are also celebrated like 15 august 26 January etc. and annual functions are also celebrated